• hello@women4cyber.ro

Women4Cyber ROMÂNIA - Youth Ambasador

Viitorul este al celor care îndrăznesc, iar tinerii au un cuvânt important într-o lume bazată pe puterea exemplului.
Daria Târnăvean, Sorana Gălan și Diana Pătruț au 21, 22 și 26 de ani și timp de 6 luni, de la ele veți afla perspective noi ale domeniului IT&C - securitate cibernetică. Proiectul este coordonat de Women4Cyber Foundation și implementat la nivelul capitolului național de Octavia Lojnita, iar pe zona de comunicare suntem onorate s-o avem alături pe Irina Coman.
La ediția următoare poți participa și tu, dar până atunci iată filmulețele de prezentare trimise de cele trei tinere care au îndrăznit și au câștigat. Le publicăm cu acordul lor, pentru un proces de selecție transparent, dar mai ales pentru aceia sau acelea dintre voi care ar fi vrut să completeze formularul de înscriere, dar - din diverse motive - nu au făcut-o. Lor le spunem că va exista o “data viitoare”.
Stați aproape, pentru că urmează câteva luni interesante. Azi, avem bucuria să spunem în mod oficial, 3, 2, 1, Women4Cyber Romania - Youth Ambassadors: Start!
Daria Târnăvean - 21 ani, studentă, specializarea “Studii de Securitate”
Sorana Gălan - 22 ani, masterandă, specializarea “Securitare Cibernetică”
Diana Pătruț - 26 ani, Business Manager, domeniul “Securitare Cibernetică”
De #Mărțișor, căutăm #YouthAmbassador! 🗣

Chiar tu ai putea fi selectat(ă), dacă ești:
  • · pasionat(ă) de #schimbare,
  • · implicat(ă) în #comunitate,
  • · dornic(ă) să contribui la proiecte de impact,
  • · convins(ă) că vocea ta poate să #influențeze viitorul.

Primul pas este să ne convingi pe noi, așa că te încurajăm să ne trimiți CV-ul tău, o scurtă scrisoare de intenție și un video de max. 5 minute la hello@women4cyber.ro până la data de 22 martie 2024.

Vino să faci parte din prima echipă Youth Ambassadors Women4Cyber România și fii schimbarea pe care vrei să o vezi în lume! 💪
The Women4Cyber (W4C) Youth Ambassador Programme is an initiative of the Women4Cyber Foundation designed for young women interested in becoming the voice for their peers studying or working in the cybersecurity field. The goal is to inspire others to engage in the field at various levels, including awareness, education, and profession.

Women4Cyber Romania is inviting applications from young individuals residing in Romania who are either studying or working in the cybersecurity field or have a demonstrated interest in the subject. We encourage them to apply for the Women4Cyber Romania Youth Ambassador position.

The programme is scheduled to commence in March 2024 and will continue for 6 months. Please note that this is a voluntary position, and we expect active participation in the programme through social media engagement, event participation, and writing articles/blogs, among other activities.
Youth Ambassador responsabilities

Inspiration and Information:
  • · Act as role models by showcasing their journeys and experiences in the cybersecurity field, aiming to inform and inspire other young women interested in cybersecurity studies and careers.
  • · Share insights into the challenges and triumphs they've faced, providing valuable guidance for those considering a path in cybersecurity.

Community Outreach:
  • · Establish connections within their national communities and beyond, creating networks with students, professionals, and organizations in the cybersecurity domain.
  • · Engage with local educational institutions, cybersecurity communities, and related events to promote awareness about the opportunities available for women in cybersecurity.

Communication and Visibility:
  • · Utilize various mediums to share their voices and experiences, contributing to a broader narrative about women in cybersecurity.
  • · Leverage social media platforms to raise awareness about the importance of gender diversity in the cybersecurity sector.
  • · Regularly contribute to articles, blogs, or other written content, sharing their insights and perspectives on relevant topics in cybersecurity.

Collaboration with Women4Cyber National Chapter:
  • · Work closely with Women4Cyber Chapter to align activities with the foundation's mission and goals.

Community Outreach:
  • · Establish connections within their national communities and beyond, creating networks with students, professionals, and organizations in the cybersecurity domain.
  • · Engage with local educational institutions, cybersecurity communities, and related events to promote awareness about the opportunities available for women in cybersecurity.

Communication and Visibility:
  • · Utilize various mediums to share their voices and experiences, contributing to a broader narrative about women in cybersecurity.
  • · Leverage social media platforms to raise awareness about the importance of gender diversity in the cybersecurity sector.
  • · Regularly contribute to articles, blogs, or other written content, sharing their insights and perspectives on relevant topics in cybersecurity.

  • - Privileged access to events or partnerships with national chapters and/or W4C EU
  • - Be part of a large network of youth ambassadors
  • - Be featured on W4C EU and W4C Romania websites
  • - Each W4C YA will receive a dedicated badge/certificate

Requirements and eligibility criteria
  • - 18- 30 years by March 2024
  • - Live in Romania
  • - Being a student or young professional
  • - Good level of English (B2, written and spoken) is required
  • - Committed to inspiring women about the cybersecurity field
  • - Ongoing collaboration with student or youth networks will be a plus

  • The deadline for all submissions is 22nd of March 2024. The application - CV, motivation letter, and short video presentation (max five min.) should be sent to hello@women4cyber.ro indicating W4C Youth Ambassador in the subject line.

  • In the motivation letter, the participants should outline the activities they intend to undertake as W4C Youth Ambassadors to promote the values and principles of Women4Cyber, in case they are selected.

  • The video presentation can be forwarded in many ways. It could be uploaded on Google Drive, YouTube or another online video-sharing site using a personal account, and the link should be shared in the application.